Moving Forward

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The resources shared in Moving Forward in Hope and Promise are designed to be accessible to individuals, small groups, and entire congregations, both in person or online. We encourage you to use them in ways that work for you and your community and to share them with others who might benefit from engaging them.  Additional information about how to strengthen the engagement process can be found on the link below titled: How to use these resources.


So that together we break holy ground (link to video)

So that the seeds of resurrection grow in us (link to video)

So that with gifts unleashed our community flourishes (link to video)

So that our stories create space for mutual understanding (link to video)

So that living faithfully in relationship we impact our communities (link to video) 

So that our connection strengthens us to live faithfully (link to video)

So that everyone experiences God's welcome (link to video and additional resources)

So that we embrace the Spirit's adventures (link to video)

So that our sacred stories are shared with courage (link to video and additional resources)

So that holy listening opens hearts (link to video and additional resources)

So that our why inspires transformation (link to video and additional resources

How to use these resources (link)

Coaching (link) Coaching opens up possibilities and pathways to a mutually agreed upon purpose or goal. Coaches use powerful questions to help individuals or teams move forward in missional discernment, leadership development, ministry revitalization, or life/professional transitions. Click on the link to learn more about coaching specialties and to connect with a trained coach.

Forward Leadership Community (link) to go deeper with the Moving Forward resources and engage your congregation more extensively as a community, participate in the Forward Leadership Community.  An application and more information can found at this link.